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Business Continuity

Business Continuity is defined as "the capability of the organisation to continue delivery of products or services at acceptable predefined levels following a disruptive incident." (Source: ISO 22301:2012)

Less formally, the means to continue your business in challenging circumstances, thereby preserving operation, income and reputation. Such circumstances can encompass 'disasters' e.g. fire, flood, civil activism, or other less catastrophic but equally attritional events such as IT failure, utility loss, severe weather or supply chain disruption.


No organisation can afford to be without a Business Continuity Management System to address such threats.

See below for ACBC's business continuity management services


Click here for an interview with Andy Cuerel on Riskademy, where he explains the nuances and benefits of continuity planning.

Business Continuity: Services
Business Continuity benchmarking

Business Continuity bench-marking

Unless your BCM programme is a blank canvas, it will be highly beneficial to undertake a bench-marking exercise, in order to identify gaps and actions for improvement.
ACBC provides bench-marking services, both against strict ISO22301 requirements, or a less formal assessment for clients who aspire to a lighter pragmatic programme.

Business Continuity Management System

BCMS implementation

Implementing a Business Continuity Management System benefits an organisation far more than merely 'having a plan'.

A BCMS is an evolving system comprising:

  • Policy, scope and objectives

  • Programme accountabilities

  • Key programme elements e.g. business impact analysis, risk assessment, recovery plans, training and rehearsal

  • A mechanism for continuous improvement

ACBC strongly recommends that your BCMS is aligned to ISO22301​

Business Continuity Planning

Business Continuity planning

Whilst ACBC recommends implementing a full BCMS, we recognise that resources and internal drivers may not support an immediate end-to-end solution. Alternatively, you may be comfortable implementing your own BCMS, but need support in specific areas - these may include:


  • Policy & framework development

  • Business Impact Analysis tools and templates

  • Risk Assessment Workshops

  • Continuity plan design

  • Incident management protocols

  • Training & rehearsal

Business Continuity training and exercising

Training & Rehearsal

A vital component of robust continuity planning, is validating and embedding arrangements with those charged to undertake them in challenging circumstances. ACBC delivers a wide range of training and exercising services including:


  • Crisis/Incident team scenario exercises - ranging from simple 'walkthroughs' through 'desktops' to sophisticated real-time simulation exercises

  • Business Continuity practitioner training - bespoke coaching for those with specific BCM responsibilities e.g. new BC Managers, BC 'Champions', Risk, FM, Security and IT professionals

  • Business Continuity awareness training - designed to familiarise staff with arrangements and their role within them

  • Component testing e.g. to examine the effectiveness of an out-of-hours all-staff broadcast via an emergency notification system

Supplier Business Continuity benchmarking and resilience

Supplier Continuity bench-marking

The vast majority of organisations have reliance on external goods and service suppliers, in order to maintain their own activities. Ensuring continuity within those supply chains is as important as achieving internal resilience.

ACBC can conduct bench-marking on your suppliers' continuity arrangements against agreed standards and provide recommendations as necessary to increase their preparedness.

London, UK

AC Business Continuity Limited - Registered in England - Companies House No: 11616568
Registered Office: TG Associates, 7 Jardine House, Harrovian Business Village, Harrow, Middx, HA1 3EX

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